Diaporama Properties

Every properties can be passed at instanciation time, properties then get attached to the instance. Properties reflect the Diaporama current state.

At any time you can get AND set these properties. This is the main way to interact with a Diaporama. It makes the API very simple to use.

The Diaporama consistency is guaranteed when you set properties (thanks to JavaScript's defineProperties). However, the value is not guaranteed to be instantly changed: for performance reasons, most of property changes are scheduled to the next rendering frame.

loop (boolean)

This property defines the need to loop the diaporama. If set to true, the diaporama is looping. Looping means that when the diaporama reaches the last slide, it will not "end" but will continue by starting again the diaporama from the first slide.

autoplay (boolean)

This property, if true, means that the diaporama will starts as soon as possible. It watches the canplaythrough events in order to start the diaporama when it is likely to have enough images loaded to play the diaporama without pauses.

data (object)

This property reflects the Diaporama Data, object described by the JSON Diaporama Format.

width (number in pixels)

This property reflects the current width of the Diaporama.

Diaporama width can dynamically changes.

height (number in pixels)

This property reflects the current height of the Diaporama.

Diaporama height can dynamically changes.

resolution (number)

This property defines the device pixel ratio. By default it is set to window.devicePixelRatio (recommended). On Retina devices, devicePixelRatio is 2.0.

A more advanced usage is to degrade the resolution when the width * height area is important.

Advanced Usage Example:

var threshold = 1024 * 512;
window.addEventListener("resize", function resize () {
  var w = window.innerWidth;
  var h = window.innerHeight;
  diaporama.width = w;
  diaporama.height = h;
  // heuristic to degrade the quality for high resolutions
  diaporama.resolution = Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio||1, Math.ceil((threshold) / (w * h)));

currentTime (number in milliseconds)

This property exposes the current time of the diaporama in milliseconds. A diaporama has a static timelapse defined by the timeline field of the format. Setting the currentTime to a same time will always result to the same rendering.

When the diaporama is running, the currentTime is constantly updated.

Setting the currentTime makes the diaporama jump to a specific time position – like in a Video.

slide (number)

The current timeline slide index of the diaporama. Setting the value will cause the Diaporama to jump in time, but only if the slide changes.

playbackRate (number)

This property defines the speed at which the diaporama is played. By default, speed is 1.0 which is the normal speed (duration=1000 will be one second of real time).

  • With a speed < 1.0, the diaporama runs slower.
  • With a speed > 1.0, the diaporama runs faster.

paused (boolean)

This property is true when the diaporama is running, false otherwise. Setting it will play or pause the diaporama (or do nothing if it doesn't change).

duration (number in milliseconds, read-only)

This property is read-only. You cannot set it.

It gives you the current duration of the diaporama in milliseconds.

renderingMode (read-only)

This property can ONLY be set once at instantiation.

It defines the preferred rendering mode to use. webgl is used by default and is the recommanded mode. dom can also be defined to force the DOM rendering. However keep in mind that DOM rendering is designed to be a fallback to make diaporama works everywhere. It doesn't (and can't) implement all diaporama features (transitions are all fallback to a simple fade transition).

networkTimeout (number in milliseconds)

This property can ONLY be set once at instantiation.

Define the maximum time in milliseconds to wait for loading each resource (images, videos).

currentRenderState (read-only)

Represents the current rendering state (does the rendering succeed or awaiting some resource to load). It can be one of following value:

Diaporama.RENDER_EMPTY: no rendering has been made or there is nothing to render. Diaporama.RENDER_WAITING: The rendering is incomplete. It is awaiting resource to load. Diaporama.RENDER_PLAYING: The rendering is complete.

timeBuffered (read-only)

The current most reachable time (after this time, the diaporama will block because resources are not loaded yet).

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