JSON Description Format

The most interesting part of Diaporama is that the slideshow is described in a concise JSON.

In the following documentation, we are going to describe the JSON format using pseudo-JSON where values are replaced by the expected type.

  • "key": T means that the property "key" is of type T.
  • T[] describes an Array of T.
  • "key": T? means that the property "key" is optional.
  • T, when not a JavaScript type, is a type alias that is described later in the document.
  • Object<Key, Value> or Object<Value> describes a JavaScript object that have type Key as key (String if not precised) and Value as value.
  • A | B: the type is either A or B.

Other constraints are not formally documented but explain in English.

The Format

  "timeline": TimelineItem[],
  "resources": Object<ResourceRef, Resource>?,
  "transitions": GlslTransitionDefinition[]?
  • timeline is a list of timeline items, ordered from the first to the last slide of the slideshow. (a timeline item can have text content, image, video,...)
  • resources allows to define once the URLs of the diaporama resources (images, videos). They can be referenced by ResourceRef.
  • transitions defines all the transitions used for the Diaporama between the timeline items. They are referenced by "name" from timeline. You might directly use glsl-transitions collection (or a subset of it).


TimelineImageItem | TimelineVideoItem | TimelineCanvasItem


defines an image slide.

  "image": String,
  "duration": Number,
  "kenburns": KenBurns?,
  "transitionNext": GlslTransition?
  • image describes the URL to an Image. Cross Domain images are supported as soon as the hosting server implement CORS properly (this is the case for imgur for instance).
  • duration is given in milliseconds. This duration doesn't includes the potential transitionNext.duration.
  • kenburns configure the kenburns (or cropping) effect. If not defined, the Image is cropped to the biggest possible rectangle preserving the ratio.
  • transitionNext defines the transition to use when moving to the next item. A transition between 2 slides cross-fade the animations of those 2 slides, it means that kenburns effect will continue to move during that transition.


defines a video slide.

  "video": VideoResource | ResourceRef[VideoResource],
  "position": Number?,
  "volume": Number?,
  "playbackRate": Number?,
  "loop": Boolean?,
  "duration": Number,
  "kenburns": KenBurns?,
  "transitionNext": GlslTransition?
  • video describes the URL of the video or multiple URLs if using different video formats. You can also define an image as a fallback. You can use ResourceRef
  • position is a time in milliseconds to start the video at (default is 0, which means the video start at the beginning).
  • volume is the audio volume to use when playing the video. (default is 0, which means the video is muted)
  • playbackRate is the playbackRate to play the video. Normal speed is 1 (default).
  • loop is a boolean to describe if the video should loop or stop at the end (default is true).
  • duration is given in milliseconds. It defines how long the video should be run.
  • kenburns configure the kenburns (or cropping) effect. If not defined, the video is cropped to the biggest possible rectangle preserving the ratio.
  • transitionNext defines the transition to use when moving to the next item. A transition between 2 slides cross-fade the animations of those 2 slides, it means that kenburns effect will continue to move during that transition.


defines a content slide.

  "slide2d": Slide2d,
  "duration": Number,
  "transitionNext": GlslTransition?
  • slide2d: the content described in a simple DSL on top of Canvas 2D to describe text slide content (but also any shapes that you can possibly do using Canvas 2D). See Slide2d type for more info.
  • duration is given in milliseconds.
  • transitionNext defines the transition to use when moving to the next item. A transition between 2 slides cross-fade the animations of those 2 slides, it means that kenburns effect will continue to move during that transition.

N.B.: A TimelineSlide2dItem is designed to be scalable to any resolution.


a String identifier that reference a resource of type T defined in resources.


VideoResource | ImageResource


String | Object<Mimetype, URL>

If a String is provided, it is the video URL. An Object allows to define different video formats: the key of the object is the video format mimetype, the value is the video URL.

If you provide an image, it will be used as a fallback (if the video doesn't load, if not supported by the browser for instance).


  "video/webm": "video.webm",
  "video/mp4": "video.mp4",
  "image/png": "video.fallback.png"


"kenburns": {
  "from": KenBurnsCrop,
  "to":   KenBurnsCrop,
  "easing": Easing?

A KenBurns effect moves between two crop area (from -> to) following an easing.


[ Number, [Number, Number] ]

A KenBurnsCrop describes a crop area in an image. The format is: [ zoomRatio, [xCenter, yCenter] ].

For more information about this, please refer to kenburns Documentation.


  "name": String,
  "duration": Number,
  "easing": Easing?,
  "uniforms": Object?
  • name references a GlslTransitionDefinition defined in the root "transitions" property.
  • duration is given in milliseconds.
  • uniforms provides all uniforms to customize for the current transition.


[ Number, Number, Number, Number ]

Easing is an array containing the 2 handle positions of the bezier easing. They are defined in this order: [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ]. When an easing is optional, a linear fallback easing is used (identity).


This statically defines a GlslTransition.

The easiest way to get a GlslTransition is to use glsl-transitions which contains all GLSL Transitions that has been created on GLSL.io.

Here is the mandatory minimal format for Diaporama to work correctly:

  "name" : String,
  "glsl" : String,
  "uniforms" : Object?
  • name should uniquely identify the transition (by name).
  • glsl is a fragment shader that valids the glsl-transition requirements: it must have following uniforms: texture2D from, to; float progress; vec2 resolution;.
  • uniforms are default values for custom transition uniforms. A transition might not have any uniforms in input.


  "background": String,
  "size": [ Number, Number ],
  "draws": (Object|Array)[]
  • draws are an array of Canvas2D draw instructions. Instructions are executed sequentially.
  • size is a reference dimension ([ width, height ]) related to the draws defined.

For more information on the format, please look at Slide2D API.

The drawing rectangle where the shapes are drawn is the biggest rectangle that preserves the ratio of dimension size.

Important: ratio is preserved, draws are vectorial, no draws that fits in the size are cropped BUT consequently the drawing rectangle IS NOT the full viewport size.


"slide2d": {
  "background": "#EDA",
  "size": [ 800, 600 ],
  "draws": [
    { "font": "bold 80px sans-serif", "fillStyle": "#000", "textBaseline": "middle", "textAlign": "center" },
    [ "fillText", "This is Text", 400, 300 ]

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